* POITRA created and maintained the public information website for the Southeast Corridor Major Investment Study (MIS) and later the Southeast Corridor Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which culminated in the Trex Project.

Photo-realistic photo simulation and design visualization services by POITRA Visual

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Southeast Corridor Park Meadows Station Photosimulations

RTD and CDOT, Denver, Colorado

The Southeast Corridor was studied as part of the joint Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Regional Transportation District (RTD) project. The Southeast Corridor was the first major transit corridors in the RTD transit program. POITRA Visual has provided several types of services on nearly all of the RTD transit corridors at some point in their long histories.

For the Southeast Corridor POITRA provided the public website for the Major Investment Study (MIS) and also for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which culminated in the final Trex project.*

The proposed Southeast Corridor Light Rail Transit would run along I-25 in a side running configuration on the west side of the highway. POITRA Visual provided design visualization services for the study. Visual simulations would be used to help explain the configuration to agencies and the public.

POITRA created a custom Siemens Duewag 100 LRT model vehicle and applied the RTD Denver color scheme.

POITRA often creates custom transit vehicles at no cost to the project.

Photo-realistic photo simulation and design visualization services by POITRA Visual

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Photo-simulation was determined to be the best medium for accurate visual evaluation and for confident presentation to stakeholders. The Engineer provided the base photography.

POITRA created a small series of simulations to describe a proposed Nordstom parking garage with direct pedestrian bridge access to the Southeast Corridor EIS Station at Park Meadows Mall. The concept was part of a public/private partnership agreement intended to increase parking for the transit line.

POITRA created a 3D site model that included the proposed garage, bridge, overhead catenary system, POITRA model Siemens Duewag 100 LRT vehicles and LRT Station canopies and platforms. The model was camera matched, lighted, rendered and composited with the base photograph and finished using traditonal digital painting techniques.

The Siemens Duewag 100 LRT vehicle was the RTD's prefered vehicle. Modelers at POITRA had created a custom detailed technical model of the SD100 directly from manufacturers specification sheets and inspection of actual vehicle. The RTD standard color scheme was applied for use in these photosimulations.

POITRA graphic artists created a display panel for each simulation in the Southeast Corridor EIS series to be printed for public meetings.

The finished photo-simulations were used in CDOT and RTD's meetings with Park Meadows Mall Administrators, Nordstroms and other stakeholders. The final images were also used in project environmental documents.end of article

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Take a Closer Look! Highly developed skills of the Artists at POITRA make your concept a reality. (click to magnify).

Take a Closer Look! POITRA graphic artists can help any project by creating stunning professional settings for your project information. (click to magnify)