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SR99 and Kiernan Ave Interchange Photosimulations

CalTrans and Stanislaus County, Salida, California

POITRA Visual provided photo-realistic simulations for the SR99 and Kiernan Avenue (SR219) Interchange reconstruction project. The redesign eased congestion at peak traffic volume hours of Kiernan Avenue caused by the interchange accesses.

Two main alternatives for the interchange were explored: an alternative that featured upgrading the existing full diamond interchange and another that created a half diamond with the other two ramps accessing Salida Boulevard, the nearby major cross street to Kiernan Ave. Photo-simulation was the medium chosen as the best way to accurately communicate the different impacts of each proposed design to project team members and to the public.

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Photo-realistic photo simulation and design visualization services by POITRA Visual


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Mouse-over images above to toggle between the existing photo and the photosimulations.

POITRA used traditional digital painting techniques to remove or adjust properties and roadways eliminated or moved in each of the new design alternatives from the Engineer provided base photograph.

POITRA artists then added the overpass structure, interchange ramps, retaining walls, laneage, traffic control, sidewalks, medians, fill slopes and landscaping. Many of the off system streets were also affected by design changes and improvements which needed to be reflected in the simulation.

Great care was taken to ensure that the new lane markings were correct and that they properly interacted with existing roadways as this played a major role in evaluating the design alternatives. The previous bridge and roadway design experience of the POITRA Visual principals played a key role in accurately interpreting the Engineer's design plans and efficiently transforming the information into an accurate illustration of proposed conditions.

The final aerial simulation images were used as meeting materials for the CalTrans and Stanislaus County design and public involvement process.end of article

Take a closer look! Simulations can be kept up-to-date as the design process progresses.