The driver eye view of the overpass was intended to illustrate the details of the new structures and the reconfiguration of the existing. Photo-simulation was the medium chosen as the easiest to understand and most realistic means to present the new design to the public.
POITRA created a partial 3D computer model of the interchange with proposed bridge superstructures, abutments, wing walls and side slopes. The model was then aligned to the perspective of the Engineer provided base photograph.
The models were appropriately lighted, rendered and composited with the base photograph. The simulation was finished using traditional digital painting methods.
POITRA relied upon the past bridge and highway design experience of its principals to interpret the Engineer's plans and to ensure the accuracy of the finished simulation.
The final images were used in internal California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) and City of Manteca design sessions and for public outreach programs.
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Take a Closer Look! Highly developed skills of the Artists at POITRA make your project a reality. (click to magnify)