* For example, POITRA provided photosimulation services to RTD for the first extension of the central corridor known as the South Platte Extension.

POITRA also created and maintained the public information websites for the Southeast Corridor MIS (TREX), the North Metro Major Investment Study (MIS) and the US36 Corridor MIS beginning in 1998. The Central Corridor Extension is part of the Regional Transportation District's (RTD) new FasTracks Project, which is advancing several corridors to the design phase.

Photo-realistic photo simulation and design visualization services by POITRA Visual

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Central Corridor Multi-Modal Terminal Photosimulations

RTD FasTracks, Denver, Colorado

The Central Corridor is the second extension of Denver's first Transit Line. It is one of several proposed transit corridors in the FasTracks program that have been evaluated throughout the Denver Metro area as Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) or as Environmental Evaluations (EE). POITRA has provided services on nearly all of these corridors at some point in their long histories.*

The 5.3 mile Central Corridor Extension connects the downtown Denver bus terminal, at the southeast end of the 16th Street Shuttle/Pedestrian Mall with the East Corridor 38th and Blake station via Downing Street. The Central Corridor extends the original RTD Central Corridor light rail transit (LRT) system and will use LRT vehicle technology; however a trolley system was also briefly studied because the line will integrate with regular automobile traffic. POITRA helped to present this concept to the public using design visualization.

POITRA used its existing custom LRT model vehicle and created a new custom model of the trolley vehicle. Potential RTD colors and marking schemes were developed for the trolley by POITRA.

Photo-realistic photo simulation and design visualization services by POITRA Visual


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Mouse-over images above to toggle between the existing photo and the photosimulations.

Photo-simulations proved to be the best medium to accurately evaluate the visual impacts and for the project team to confidently present the alternatives to the public stakeholders.

POITRA created each photo-simulation with both LRT and trolley vehicles using combined 3D rendering and traditional digital painting techniques.

POITRA photographed several views of the downtown bus terminal with the intent of best describing the multi-modal interface. Once the final view was selected the existing curb and gutter, sidewalks, streetlights, pedestrians and even lanes of traffic had to be reconfigured to precisely match the Engineer's design. Only then could the proposed LRT or trolley line be properly placed.

POITRA created a 3D model that included the track bed, rails, end bumper, catenary system, and barrier curbs. The 3D model was then camera matched, lighted, rendered and composited with the photograph. POITRA's proprietary 3D model Siemans Dewag LRT and Skoda-Astra Trolley vehicles were added to create final photo-simulations.

The finished simulations were used in meetings with Fastracks stakeholders and in the EIS document.end of article


Take a Closer Look! Highly developed skills of the Artists at POITRA make your concept real. (click to magnify).